In California and beyond, things often get a lot worse before they get better when it comes to divorce. Many spouses must first work through tremendous obstacles and disagreements regarding issues, such as property division, child support or other matters before they...
Easing the tension surrounding divorce and family law issues with high-level service in a stress-free environment.
Easing the tension surrounding divorce and family law issues with high-level service in a stress-free environment.
Year: 2017
A parenting agreement can help with child custody matters
Going through the divorce process can feel like riding an emotional roller coaster -- one with more lows than highs. However, just as the process can be challenging for parents going through it, it can also be difficult for the children of divorce. This is especially...
Collaborative law may help save time and money in divorce
As 2017 draws to a close and married couples in California begin setting goals for a new year, chances are some will choose divorce as the most viable option for overcoming current obstacles and pursuing new lifestyles. Some divorces will be hashed out in court, often...
New laws may impact child support if adopted in California
There appears to be rising trend regarding child custody post-divorce. Changes may be prompted by years of lobbying for fathers' rights in California and elsewhere, namely, to make sure fathers are not being alienated when they desire active roles in sharing...
Fuller House star Jodie Sweetin engaged in child support battle
When spouses in California who have children together divorce, it can be quite challenging to achieve amicable parenting plan agreements. In particular, matters concerning child custody and child support often cause the most contention between former spouses,...
Many California retirees pursue divorce mediation nowadays
Anyone who follows rising trends among the 50-and-over crowd has likely noticed an increase of incidents in a particular area. In fact, although the overall national divorce rate appears to be declining according to statistics from recent years, among those age 50 and...
Spousal monetary support post-divorce may be source of conflict
If you and your spouse have decided to get divorced, you or your spouse may end up having to pay spousal support, or alimony, to the other party. Alimony is essentially money paid from a higher-earning spouse to a lower-earning spouse following the dissolution of a...
Financial crisis may arise due to spouse’s child support issues
Many marriages in California include spouses who were once involved in marital relationships with other people. Many of them have children from their previous unions. Many of them also have been ordered by the court to pay child support.When a spouse is obligated to...
Divorce mediation may be viable option for saving time and money
Deciding to end a marriage in court may no doubt be one of the most major decisions an individual California resident makes in life. Just the thought of divorce is enough to make some people's blood pressures rise. A high priority for many who are currently preparing...
Life changes and, sometimes, so do child support orders
When a California parent is obligated to pay child support by court order, it is crucial to comply. Nevertheless, once a particular order is issued, it does not necessarily mean it is permanent. There are several circumstances that may arise that would entitle a...