How many people do you know in California who are divorced? Among them, how many pay child support? All family court judges share a common goal when overseeing divorce cases where kids are involved: to make decisions based on children’s best interests.
If you’re a non-custodial parent who has a reliable form of income, chances are the court may order you to pay child support to help provide for your children’s needs. There is no set amount or way to know ahead of time what the court will rule insofar as the payment amount or frequency is concerned. There are typically several factors of consideration, including the income of each parent, the number and ages of children, how long a particular couple was married, and more.
When a California family court judge orders you to pay child support, you are legally bound to adhere to the exact terms of the order. If a problem arises that impedes your ability to keep making payments, such as loss of income, a medical emergency or an employment-based relocation, you can file a petition for modification in court. However, you must continue to make payments on time until the court grants your request.
The Law Office of Edward S. Matisoff in California can answer questions regarding all aspects of divorce, including custody, child support, visitation, alimony or property division issues. Whether you are in need of modification of an existing court order or you are a custodial parent whose ex is not adhering to the terms of your agreement, you can request a consultation at your convenience. By asking an experienced family law attorney to review your case, you are being proactive in protecting your parental rights and your children’s best interests.