Getting divorced is no small matter and generally leads to many significant challenges in a person’s immediate and long-term life. Those in California who are married and have children often have to get creative to overcome various obstacles impeding their abilities to achieve agreeable settlements. Everything from marital property division to where children will spend future Thanksgivings and other holidays are important issues that need to be resolved as amicably as possible before a court order can be set. To avoid long, drawn-out battles, spouses who remain on relatively good terms may be able to use divorce mediation to arrange most of their plans.
A key factor is mediation is a willingness on both sides to cooperate and compromise as necessary in order to develop a plan that focuses on the children’s best interests. Each spouse may retain personal legal representation to facilitate the process. If a spouse is not willing to sit down and discuss things amicably, then, it’s probably not the best option for that particular situation.
Spouses who wish to sever their marital ties with as little stress as possible will always want to keep mediation as an option in mind. It is also often a less expensive way to divorce. Mediation can help expedite the divorce process in many cases, which is a plus in most people’s books.
Finally, divorce mediation, as well as litigation is typically easier to navigate if one acts alongside trusted and experienced legal guidance. A California spouse concerned about possible hidden asset problems, for instance, can rely on a family law attorney to further investigate the issue and to take appropriate steps to rectify the situation in court. By making well-informed decisions and accessing available support resources, a divorce does not necessarily have to over complicate one’s life.
Source:, “Is Mediation a Good Idea for Your Divorce?“, Awais Ahmed, Accessed on Oct. 18, 2017