For some couples filing for divorce in California, mediation may be out of the question. Why would they want to have a civil discussion with the person that they're trying to get away from? However, mediation doesn't mean "giving in" or letting a former spouse walk...
Easing the tension surrounding divorce and family law issues with high-level service in a stress-free environment.
Easing the tension surrounding divorce and family law issues with high-level service in a stress-free environment.
Month: October 2020
Common mistakes that older couples make when filing for divorce
In a lot of ways, filing for divorce in California can be harder on older couples than it is on couples in their 20s. After being married for a certain length of time, many couples start assuming that they'll be with their spouses forever. When their marriages end,...
Understanding collaborative divorce
The United States has an adversarial court system. In both civil and criminal cases, two sides fight issues out. Lawyers on either side advocate for their clients. This system has endured because, in most cases, it's very effective. But it's not always ideal for...
How can mediation assist with child custody disputes?
While an individual is undergoing divorce in California, sitting down and talking to their former spouse might be the last thing they want to do. However, agreeing to mediation can actually make the divorce process easier and help both individuals move on with their...
How can people keep their divorces civil and amicable?
Divorces in California are typically stressful. However, there are steps that individuals can take to make the process easier and keep the divorce as amicable as possible. Here's what spouses can do to ease their stress and reduce their court and attorney fees. How...
Child custody modifications
Over the course of time, an existing child custody agreement may no longer be a practical choice for one or both parents or their children. At that point, either of the parties involved in the divorce can petition the court for a modification concerning child custody...
What to include in a parenting plan for children of divorce
Once a divorce in California has been finalized, the parents need to come up with a parenting plan to ensure that they're both acting in their child's best interest. A parenting plan should include agreed-upon rules regarding custody, transportation, health, education...
What should divorcing couples know about property division?
When filing for divorce in California, both parties should be aware of the definition of community property. This consists of property and financial assets that were acquired during the marriage. The assets are owned by both parties regardless of who actually bought...