Do you try to avoid confrontation at all costs? If so, you may relate to many other California residents who wish to file for divorce but hesitate to do so because they worry they will be dragged into a nasty courtroom battle. There are several alternatives that may be viable options in your case, perhaps including collaborative law.
You may know someone who went through mediation to finalize a divorce. Collaborative law is similar in that it allows you to negotiate a settlement in a confidential setting outside a courtroom. However, it is also different from mediation in several ways.
Each spouse retains his or her own legal representation to provide guidance in the collaboration process. Financial advisers and mental health professionals attend the negotiation meetings as well, to help facilitate discussions related to finances, child custody and property division matters. The goal is to work together to peacefully negotiate the terms of divorce in a setting that is typically less adversarial than litigation.
Many California spouses who have opted for collaborative law say it a less costly means of divorce. It definitely doesn’t work for everyone, however, and sometimes litigation winds up being necessary; since all information shared in the collaborative setting is confidential, it may not be used in court. The Law Office of Edward S. Matisoff has been helping people explore their divorce options and determining their best courses of action since 1983 and is fully prepared to support you in your current divorce-related needs. You can access the contact form conveniently located on our website to request a free initial consultation.